27 April 2005

Daily Howler - April 27, 2005

THROUGH THE TUBE DARKLY! We puzzled as Russert continued presenting all religion, almost all the darn time


BOZELL GETS IT RIGHT: We rarely get to offer praise for events that occur in Scarborough Country. So let’s take the chance to applaud the rogue state for its discussion of the Washington Post’s silly poll. Indeed, Brent Bozell even got it right about the question the Post asked:
POLL QUESTION: Would you support or oppose changing Senate rules to make it easier for the Republicans to confirm Bush’s judicial nominees?
After asking that vague-and-therefore-loaded question, the Post’s page-one headline thundered the news: “Filibuster Rule Change Opposed.” Let’s face it—if you’d asked that question ten other ways, you would have gotten ten other results. This was exceptionally bad poll reporting—so bad that Brent Bozell got it right!


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