11 May 2005

KOS: Progress In Iraq

by kos
Wed May 11th, 2005 at 11:40:02 PDT

Yet another string of car bomb attacks targeting police and national guard recruits lined up outside of station. Another 60 dead.

Umm, why do they still do this? Why line them up outside of recruiting stations presenting such juicy targets?

The suicide bomber was standing in line with the rest of the potential recruits. Why don't they search people before they stand in line? That much explosive can't be easy to hide from the most cursory search.

Meanwhile, the GAO has issued a report about the mess in Iraq. DHinMI writes:

But the most revealing part of the report is contained in the background information. According to GAO, and contrary to the propaganda from the White House celebrating a "peaceful" election, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency told GAO that "attacks on Iraq's election day reached about 300, double the previous 1 day high of about 150 during last year's Ramadan." Furthermore, the peak months for attacks since June 2003 were August and November 2004, and January 2005. During this period, according to GAO, the attacks have grown in intensity and sophistication. (And presumably in lethality.)


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