11 May 2005

The Parents Television Council

Media Transparency original
Bill Berkowitz
May 11, 2005

2004 was banner year for 'national clearing house for, and arbiter of, decency' on America's airwaves

On April 18, L. Brent Bozell, the founder and president of the Parents Television Council (PTC - website), a subsidiary of his Media Research Center (MRC - website), appeared on the Fox News Channel's morning show, "Fox and Friends," to talk about the PTC's new report, "The Ratings Sham: TV Executives Hiding Behind a System That Doesn't Work".

Wearing his PTC hat (he also presides over the MRC, and is a founder of a PR outfit called the Conservative Communications Center), Bozell told Fox viewers that the study found that "the current ratings system and V-chip are failures."

In a press release issued the same day, Bozell asserted that the

"findings show the blatant hypocrisy of TV executives who claim that parents should rely on TV ratings and the V-chip to protect their children. Most television programs showing foul language, violence, and inappropriate sexual dialogue or situations do not use the appropriate content descriptors that would warn parents about the presence of offensive content."


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