07 June 2005

Billmon: Captains Clueless

The Captain's Quarters (think Captain Queeg, but without the street smarts) argues that the "leftist establishment," which apparently includes me, is taking this whole stomping/kicking/pissing on the Koran thing way too seriously:
This has been front-page news for two or three weeks now, ever since Newsweek decided to run a poorly-sourced item about Gitmo guards flushing a Qu'ran down a toilet. Now we have the Pentagon report detailing five supposed events where guards mistreated copies of the Muslim scripture, and the media and the blogosphere have reacted like this is another My Lai.

Guess what, people? This is a book. It's not the Ark of the Covenant or Mohammed's horse or a splinter of the True Cross.

Leaving aside the idiotic/obnoxious religious parallels (Mohammed's horse???) one can see a certain conservative logic at work here.


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