02 June 2005

Daily Howler

CHURLS IN CHARGE (PART 3)! Why do "TV liberals" argue so poorly? Perhaps they aren't "liberals" at all!


JEST A-PICKIN’ AND A-CHOOSIN’: Tuesday night, Fox News seemed to show its true colors. On CNN and MSNBC—on all the evening network news show—the naming of Mark Felt as “Deep Throat” was the crowning news story. But not so on the Fox News Channel! Special Report gave the topic normal coverage—lead news story, half a segment during panel. But at 8 PM Eastern, Mr. O hit the air—and “Deep Throat” went back into the closet. Here were The O’Reilly Factor’s topics for the evening of May 31:
Talking Points Memo: “The American Civil Liberties Union is the most dangerous organization in the country.”

Segment 1: “Now for the top story tonight, another view of the ACLU's attack on America.”

Segment 2: “In the Factor investigation segment tonight, we've been reporting on the brutal murder of 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford.”


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