29 June 2005

Juan Cole - June 29, 2005

Some Iraqis Criticize Bush's Speech
Looming Health Crisis in Qaim Area

An Iraqi response to Bush's claim that he is fighting terrorism by drawing terrorists to Iraq:
' "Why don't they find another place to fight terrorism?" asked Abdul Ridha al-Hafadhi, 58, head of a humanitarian aid group. "I don't feel comforted by Bush's remarks; there must be a timetable for their departure." '
Arguing with Bush

Bush's speech.
"The terrorists who attacked us and the terrorists we face murder in the name of a totalitarian ideology that hates freedom, rejects tolerance and despises all dissent.
Tel Afar and the North

We have not heard much lately about the US campaign in the northern, largely Turkmen city of Tel Afar. The city has been a perennial security problem. There is evidence of local Turkmen guerrilla groups cooperating with Arab guerrillas, and the city seems to be part of an underground railway for the infiltration of foreign jihadis from Syria.


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