04 June 2005

The Poor Man: The Company You Keep

It’s old news that Amnesty International is a highly politicized pressure group, but these latest accusations amount to pro-al Qaeda propaganda.

Wall Street Journal

The role of coordinator in the massed propaganda attack against the USSR belongs to Amnesty International.

Pravda/Radio Moscow
c. 1981

Most conservatives were outraged at Amnesty International’s inflammatory propaganda comparing Gitmo to a Soviet gulag, similar to their reaction to the indefensible refusal of France, Germany and Russia to support our action against Iraq, though their intelligence agencies were also convinced Saddam was amassing WMD stockpiles.

David Limbaugh

the London-based group has a fertile imagination and is spoonfed by the propaganda centres of Radio Peking, the BBC, the Voice of America, Islamabad and Teheran.

Idi Amin


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