13 July 2005

Billmon - July 13, 2005

The GOP's propaganda technicians are filling in some of the details of the mirror universe they're trying to create -- the one in which Turdblossom is the noble whistleblower and Joe Wilson and his wife are the sleazy insiders spreading lies and disinformation. And since everything has to be ass backwards in the Republican reality, we're now being told that Wilson, not Rove, is the "leaker" and Dick Cheney, not Valerie Plame, the dedicated public servant damaged by the leak.

It took a few days, but the GOP panzers have finally clanked into action, and they're zeroing in on a familar target: former ambassador Joe Wilson. This appears to be prong one of a two-prong offensive designed to paint Wilson and his wife as the real traitors, and Karl Rove as the patriotic whistleblower who fingered them to the press.

It looks like the wing nuts are emptying the kitchen cabinets, the closets and the attic looking for silly arguments that can be used on Karl Rove's behalf.

You've probably seen or heard some of this dreck -- like John Podhoretz's argument that Wilson outed his own wife by putting her name on his corporate web page (which, as Greg Saunders Tom Tomorrow at This Modern World notes, Fox News quickly morphed into the complete lie that he posted her CIA affilation as well.)


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