08 July 2005

Billmon - July 7, 2005

I see from a stroll around the blogosphere that the conservatives aren't the only ones playing the blame game and sharpening the attack lines. And I just got an email from some allegedly left-wing son of bitch chortling about imperial chickens coming home to roost and Michael Collins raising a toast in hell.


You knew it was coming even if you didn't know where it would hit. And while the shock isn't as great as 9/11 (how could it be?) the feeling of being trapped in a nightmare that just won't end is even stronger now. Because you knew.

I've been holding off from commenting on the question of whether Judy Miller and Matt Cooper should be sent to cool their posteriors in the slammer until they're willing to give up Karl Rove to the special prosecutor. (Cooper's off the hook, thanks to his source, who at the last minute phoned in his/her permission to squeal. But Judy was sent to the big house today.)


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