13 July 2005

Digby - July 13, 2005

Connecting The Dots With Invisible Ink

It will come as no surprise to regular readers of this blog to find that I'm more than a little glad to finally see General Geoffrey Miller finally exposed for the sadistic incompetent that he is --- even a little bit. Apparently, he might be "reprimanded" for his sadistic tactics at Gitmo. But maybe not. I sure hope it doesn't go that far because I'm sure it would really, really hurt his feelings.

Firing Offense #456

Matt Coopers lawyer said today:

For the last year or so, Matt has been a subpoenaed witness in a grand jury investigation.I advised him and he accepted the advice that he should not have private conversations with other people who may be witnesses in the grand jury proceeding. I was concerned about the perception. I was concerned about what Mr. Fitzgerald might think. And so it was on my advice that he did not personally contact his source.

Mehlman on Matthews

I think the RNC has made a mistake in going back into the original Wilson smear. Chris Matthews just showed footage of Cheney on Press The Meat. He was talking about how he'd personally been interested in the Niger story. It seems to back up Wilson. And the last thing they want is to have Cheney's mug all over this story.

"It Turns Out Little Wifey Did It"

If anyone would like to see the full manifestation of the Rove smear against Plame and her pathetic, henpecked husband in all it's glory, you only need to watch the video (via Crooks and Liars) of John Gibson's insane rant yesterday.

Wild In Beantown

Does anyone find it at all ironic that Rick Santorum is blaming Boston for the priest molestation scandal? Has he ever heard the phrase "banned in Boston?" Does he know where it comes from?

Judy, Judy, Judy

Gene Lyons writes in to point out this little tid-bit about our good friend Judith Miller. One of the things missed in all the paeans to Judy's martyrdom to the confidential source is that the Jeanne D'arc of the Gray Lady had been known to burn her sources without a second thought if it suits her.

Clearing The Cobwebs

A friend of mine asked me to give her a synopsis of Rovegate in easy to understand, non-insider language. Perhaps you will find it interesting too:

In his op-ed on July 6th,2003, Wilson gave a straighforward account of who he is and why he went on this fact-finding trip to Niger. He says "I was informed by officials at the Central Intelligence Agency that Vice President Dick Cheney's office had questions about a particular intelligence report." He does not say that Cheney had sent him personally on the mission. He reports that he found no evidence that Saddam had tried to buy uranium from Niger.


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