13 July 2005

The Mahablog: Rightie Required Reading

If righties could read, I'd ask them to read this.
The lies by people like Victoria Toensing, Representative Peter King, and P. J. O'Rourke insist that Valerie was nothing, just a desk jockey. Yet, until Robert Novak betrayed her she was still undercover and the company that was her front was still a secret to the world. When Novak outed Valerie he also compromised her company and every individual overseas who had been in contact with that company and with her.
This is by Larry Johnson, a former CIA colleague of Valerie Plame's. The wingnuts insist Plame had already been "outed" because her name and her marriage to Joe Wilson were public knowledge. However, her role with the CIA was not public knowledge until The Reptile published it. If righties could read perhaps they could get this straight.


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