19 August 2005

AP story shows how conservatives buy state government


The Wyoming Associated Press has a story about how the state is experiencing increased political lobbying expenditures. In the process, it provides a crystal clear description of why the Progressive Legislative Action Network (PLAN) is so desperately needed.

The story notes that, much like other states with part-time legislatures, "lawmakers in Wyoming do not get staff, so they often rely on lobbyists to do research." One staffer to Gov. Dave Freudenthal (D) noted that "Legislators simply don't have the tools in terms of staffing to follow up every question they may have on particular pieces of legislation." An official with a nonprofit group said that lobbyists tell legislators "think of me as your staff."

This is exactly how the corporate-funded, archconservative American Legislative Exchange Council has been able to dominate state politics for so long. The right-wing has seized on this void and used it to push some of the most extreme economic policies possible, employing sophisticated corporate lobbyists with a financial stake in the legislation in question.


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