13 August 2005

Aruthur Silber: With Respect, Digby, You’re Wrong: We DO Know

August 12th, 2005

At the end of an entry you should read in its entirety, Digby says:

It is not an academic exercise for [Cindy Sheehan]. She lost her son—- and she’d like to know why. Nobody can explain to her—or to any of us—- why we invaded Iraq and why people are dying. They said it was to protect us—but it wasn’t a threat. Then they said it was to liberate the Iraqi people, but Saddam and his government are a memory and yet the Iraqi people are still fighting us and each other. Our invasion of iraq has inspired more terrorism, not less. Oil prices are higher than they’ve ever been. The country is swimming in debt. People are being killed and maimed with the regularity of the tides.


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