18 August 2005

The Daily Howler - August 18, 2005

FOR LACK OF A FRAMEWORK! Meyerson tackles pro-war scribes — and reminds us of pieces not written: // link // print // previous // next //

FOR LACK OF A FRAMEWORK: The open trashing of Cindy Sheehan was in full bloom on cable last night. Gordon Liddy repeatedly called her anti-semitic during a segment on Hannity & Colmes, and Norah O’Donnell performed an appalling segment while guest-hosting on Hardball. (Chris is apparently back on vacation. More on O’Donnell’s performance below).

Yes, the trashing of Sheehan has achieved maturity—and it’s hard for liberals to place it in context. Regarding Liddy’s performance last night, why is it hard for liberals to put this trashing into a larger context? Why is it hard to say to undecided voters, There they go again? Easy! It’s hard to say this because liberals have failed, in the past dozen years, to describe (and denounce) our inane, rancid discourse. Conservatives have spent the last forty years telling undecideds about “liberal bias.” But liberals have made no attempt to tell a more important story—that undecideds have been played for total fools, year after year, by Rush, Sean and Drudge and their helpers.


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