Digby: Mary and Wayne
Last night before I signed off, I posted an interview by Rose Aguillar with Mary Fowler, an Oklahoma Republican. At the end of the interview, I posted a comment from a disabled Oklahoman named Wayne Yeazel who depends on the government but who says he doesn't vote.
Mary Fowler is an evangelical Christian who believes that Republicans pick their candidates based upon their devotion to Jesus. In fact, she sees republicanism as part of her church. For her, religion and politics are the same thing.
Mary Fowler can be dealt with only one way --- we must separate Republicanism from her church. It won't be possible to out church them but it can be done by exposing them. Republicans are not godly. When she finds out that they aren't godly she will stop voting for them --- most likely stop voting at all. (And unless she learns to separate religion from politics it is probably the best thing.) It won't be easy to convince her, but she is much more attached to her vision of the Bible than the Republican party. She chose Republicanism after she was saved, not before. She will choose Jesus over Tom Delay if push comes to shove.
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