22 September 2005

Avedon Carol - 09/22/05

The GAO says: The Pentagon has no accurate knowledge of the cost of military operations in Iraq, Afghanistan or the fight against terrorism, limiting Congress's ability to oversee spending, the Government Accountability Office concluded in a report released yesterday. Oh, that's just lovely. Via Big Media Matt.

Via Atrios, I see Limbaugh is not only reviving the old "Hillary killed Vince Foster" story, but even claiming that Cindy Sheehan is gonna get it if she keeps criticizing the good Senator - and that her arrest the other day was Hillary's revenge. (On the other hand, Dead whistle blowers.)

OK, you really do have to send Bill Scher's Chief Justice Roberts: What Went Wrong to every Dem in the Senate, so that maybe they will get the message and get on top of the next one.


Via Atrios, The Stakeholder notes some remarkable connections between one bunch of right-wing creeps and another. Meanwhile, one right-wing creep gets a higher profile.


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