27 September 2005

Brown serving as consultant to FEMA

'Omerta Hush Money at Our Expense. The Busheviks Were Afraid that Michael "Arabian Horse Association Failure" Brown Would Spill the Beans on White House Incompetence So They Hired Him Back as a FEMA Consultant to Evaluate Why He, Bush and Rove Couldn't Respond to a Disaster for Four Days! Buying Silence! Corruption, Incompetence and Cronyism: the GOP Motto for Ripping Off America. (CBS News has changed its account of this three times since we first posted it, from his being rehired, to his being retained as a consultant, to his just being there two more weeks. It's probably because FEMA got political heat and changed ITS story three times.)'

Ousted chief says he should have pushed for federal troops

From Ed Henry
Tuesday, September 27, 2005 Posted: 0753 GMT (1553 HKT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A congressional panel on Tuesday is expected to scrutinize the decision to keep ousted Federal Emergency Management Agency chief Michael Brown on the federal payroll.

Brown told congressional investigators Monday that he is being paid as a consultant to help FEMA assess what went wrong in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, according to a senior official familiar with the meeting.


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