16 September 2005

The Daily Howler - 09/16/05

BUSH RESTORED! Evan Thomas told an astonishing tale—then gave us our leader restored: // link // print // previous // next //

CAN’T GET IT OUT OF THEIR HEAD: Seven years after our national breakdown, the Washington Post still seems obsessed on the subject of oral sex. This morning, Laura Sessions Stepp reports a major new study on teen-age sexual conduct. The headline screams its warning:
Oral Sex Prevalent Among Teens
Majority of Those 15-19 Engage in Practice, U.S. Study Finds
On-line, a different headline also zeroes in on the “practice.” Just for the record, here’s the opening paragraph:
STEPP (9/16/05): Slightly more than half of American teenagers ages 15 to 19 have engaged in oral sex, with females and males reporting similar levels of experience, according to the most comprehensive national survey of sexual behaviors ever released by the federal government.
So there you have it.


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