01 September 2005

The Mahablog: Whoa

CNN's Jack Cafferty has been tearing Bush a new one every chance he gets this afternoon. In a nutshell, Cafferty said that Bush has failed to show leadership and that the ineptness of the government's "response" to Katrina has been a disgrace.

He read this editorial from the Manchester Union Leader:

AS THE EXTENT of Hurricane Katrina’s devastation became clearer on Tuesday — millions without power, tens of thousands homeless, a death toll unknowable because rescue crews can’t reach some regions — President Bush carried on with his plans to speak in San Diego, as if nothing important had happened the day before.

Katrina already is measured as one of the worst storms in American history. And yet, President Bush decided that his plans to commemorate the 60th anniversary of VJ Day with a speech were more pressing than responding to the carnage.

A better leader would have flown straight to the disaster zone and announced the immediate mobilization of every available resource to rescue the stranded, find and bury the dead, and keep the survivors fed, clothed, sheltered and free of disease.


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