24 October 2005

Avedon Carol: Peasants don't need newspapers

Susan at An Age Like This describes the content of a recent George F. Will column:
American workers are just going to have to settle for being poor again, a hundred years after Henry Ford realized he could sell more cars by lifting his employees up with a decent living wage. Not anymore.
The occasion for this is another major company having eaten itself alive. Honorable exception (non-presstitute) Paul Krugman on The Big Squeeze:
But Delphi's bankruptcy is a much bigger deal than your ordinary case of corporate failure and bad, self-dealing management. If Delphi slashes wages and defaults on its pension obligations, the rest of the auto industry may well be tempted - or forced - to do the same. And that will mark the end of the era in which ordinary working Americans could be part of the middle class.
Reading the vastly dishonest Will's column, I wonder why it's never previously occurred to me to refer to him as "George F. Swill" - it's not as if he hasn't earned that name a thousand times over.


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