01 October 2005

Billmon: The 51st State Revisited

The Israeli press is reporting that Larry Franklin -- ex-Pentagon analyst, ex-Israeli intelligence source -- has agreed to a plea bargain in the AIPAC spy case:
Former Pentagon employee Larry Franklin has struck a deal with prosecutors, and plans to plead guilty next week to a number of charges against him . . . Franklin will testify against former AIPAC officials Steven Rosen and Keith Weissman, both of whom deny charges against them.

This would seem to leave Rosen and Weissman in a pretty tight spot, since the U.S. Attorney's Office already knows, but isn't prosecuting, their other government contacts -- Little Cats A,B and C etc. The pair's Israeli contacts/handlers, meanwhile, are beyond Uncle Sam's reach.

So if Franklin gives them up, who will they give up?


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