29 October 2005

Billmon: Crouching Prosecutor, Hidden Charges

Via the increasingly indispensable Jane Hamsher at firedoglake, the Booman Tribune provides a possible explanation for Fitzgerald's refusal to smack Scooter Libby upside the head with an Espionage Act or IIPA charge.

It makes the most plausible case I've seen yet for the proposition that the game isn't nearly over yet, and it's offered by a former attorney in the SEC enforcement division -- i.e. somone who's actually done this kind of work himself:

The Libby indictment goes considerably beyond what the rule requires, or even envisions. It is what's called, in courthouse vernacular, a “speaking indictment.” The purpose of a “speaking” filing, in any court proceeding, is to show the other side some of the stronger cards you're holding in your hand, and this indictment is no exception . . .


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