06 October 2005

Cursor's Media Patrol - 10/06/05

"An anguished James Dobson prayed ... for a sign from God," and White House envoys reportedly "got pummeled" when they tried to quell a "conservative uprising" by explaining "what's different about this trust-me moment as opposed to the other ones."

Iraq "may be too far gone to be salvaged," argues Robert Dreyfuss, but "if the United States would get out of Iraq, give the Arab League and the UN a chance to manage things there, and take part in Arab-led talks with the Sunnis, catastrophe might be averted."

'A Ghost in the Media Machine' Following a report that marks "the fourth time the GAO has uncovered the White House's illegal use of taxpayer money to produce 'covert propaganda,'" MediaCitizen calls on "the public to do what our elected officials are unwilling or unable to..."


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