19 October 2005

Cursor's Media Patrol - 10/19/05

As Fox News is found to be pushing the "criminalization of politics" talking point, Slate's Jacob Weisberg argues that "Rooting for Rove's indictment" is "unseemly" and "unthinking."

An Australian TV program reportedly shot film of U.S. troops burning the bodies of dead Taliban in Afghanistan, along with footage of a psy-ops broadcast taunting villagers for allowing the bodies to be burnt. Plus: 'Rice Wants to Follow Afghan Model in Iraq.'

Stars and Stripes reports that the U.S. Navy and the Marine Corps, citing security concerns, have "blocked all access to commercial e-mail services" for "sailors, Marines and DOD employees and contractors" using overseas government computers.

Pentagon screening finds that "28% of Iraq veterans," about 50,000 this year alone, have returned home with medical or mental health problems, dwarfing the Pentagon's official casualty count.


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