26 October 2005

Driftglass: The Night Before Fitzmas

Driftglass posts this item from a commentor in another blog--Dictynna.

Twas the nite before Fitzmas and through the White House
Not a neocon stirred, even Cheney, that louse
The documents were shredded and all burned with care
Even Judy was smart enough not to be there

The liberals were snuggled all warm in their beds
Convinced that George Bush would no longer be led
With Laura in her burkah and George in his cap
He thought to himself, can I beat this wrap?

Then from the news there arose such a clatter
George ran to his office "what the hell is the matter!?!"
He grabbed Rove and said "what is the excitement?"
And there stood Fitzgerald, hands full of indictments

Karl’s bald head then started to glow
Like George Bush’s nose, in the days he did blow
When what to his bloodshot eyes should appear
But cops and attorneys and all coming near


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