22 October 2005

Editor Says He Missed Miller 'Alarm Bells'

BREAKTHROUGH ADMISSION FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES: Bill Keller Now Says Miller Misled the Paper. Keller refers to Miller's "involvement" with Libby (beyond whatever they did together in Aspen, we presume.) A Milestone in Getting to the Heart of Miller's Complicity with the WHIG deceptions that led us into the Iraq War, Miller's initial deceptive testimony to the Grand Jury, and her desire to protect Scooter Libby from prosecution as a traitor and perjurer. A MUST READ. If the NYT doesn't fire her now, it cannot remain a credible paper. There must be consequences and accountability in journalism.--BUZZFLASH

By JOHN SOLOMON, Associated Press WriterFri Oct 21, 7:54 PM ET

The New York Times' Judith Miller belatedly gave prosecutors her notes of a key meeting in the CIA leak probe only after being shown White House records of it, and her boss declared Friday she appeared to have misled the newspaper about her role.

In a dramatic e-mail, Executive Editor Bill Keller wrote Times' employees he wished he'd more carefully interviewed Miller and had "missed what should have been significant alarm bells" that she had been the recipient of leaked information about the CIA officer at the heart of the case.

"Judy seems to have misled (Times Washington bureau chief) Phil Taubman about the extent of her involvement," Keller wrote in what he described as a lessons-learned e-mail. "This alone should have been enough to make me probe deeper."


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