11 October 2005

The Mahablog: Hooey; or, Why Paper Money Is Unconstitutional

"I told the people on the campaign trail that I'll pick somebody who knows the difference between personal opinion and the strict interpretation of the law. You might have heard that several times. I meant what I said." -- George W. Bush

"For now, I'll sit the Miers fight out until I know with some certainty that she's a vote for our values." -- Gary Bauer

We've known for a long time the "interpretation of the law" speech is hooey. During the Terri Schiavo episode the social conservatives made it clear they have no regard whatsoever for the constitution, federalism, separation of powers, or the rule of law. They want what they want, period, even if they have to pull on their jack boots and stomp all over democratic principles to get it.


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