02 November 2005

Cursor's Media Patrol - 11/02/05

In addition to 'hinting' at an increase in U.S. troop levels in Iraq, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld also defended the decision not to permit U.N. human rights investigators to meet with Guantanamo detainees, and said it was taken not by the Pentagon but by the U.S. government.

Less than 48 hours after a prayer breakfast at which he reportedly offered his "Nightstalker" battalion tearful assurances of safety, a California National Guard colonel became "the highest-ranking American officer to die since the war began."

In an interview with Larry King, Joseph Wilson gave props to Talking Points Memo and Left Coaster for their coverage of the Niger forgeries, including La Repubblica's series, which Justin Raimondo credits for helping to make "Neocon-gate ... bigger by the day."

As a Washington Post analysis concludes that 'Nominee's reasoning points to a likely vote against Roe v. Wade,' a new Gallup-conducted poll finds that "if it becomes clear" that Judge Samuel Alito would vote to reverse Roe v. Wade, "Americans would not want the Senate to confirm him, by 53 percent to 37 percent."


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