24 November 2005

Digby: Of Course It's True

I was busy yesterday so I didn't get to comment on the amazing story that Bush wanted to bomb Al Jazeera headquarters. I think what surprised me the most is that anyone thinks that it might not true. Of course, it's true.

Juan Cole leads us through the evidence, the most compelling being that he blew the shit out of two other Al Jazeera offices!:
The US military bombed the Kabul offices of Aljazeera in mid-November, 2001.

The US military hit the Aljazeerah offices in Baghdad on the 9th of April, 2004, not so long before Bush's conversation with Blair. That attack killed journalist Tarek Ayoub, who had a 3 year old daughter. He had said earlier, "We've told the Pentagon where all our offices are in Iraq and hung giant banners outside them saying `TV.''' Given what we now know about Bush's intentions, that may have been a mistake.


At November 25, 2005 11:31 AM, Blogger qrswave said...

Nice blog.

I think it's true, too.

Nasty people are always afraid of the truth. And, while I'm certain as any other for-profit media outlet, Al JAzeera has its biases, evidently they are dedicated to at least covering what's really happening.

And BushCo does not appreciate it.


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