07 December 2005

Cursor's Media Patrol - 12/06/05

As it's said that 'Rice Miscasts Policy on Torture,' offering 'A Weak Defense,' current and former CIA officers tell ABC News that "Two CIA secret prisons were operating in Eastern Europe until last month," and the U.S. "scrambled to get all the suspects off European soil before Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice arrived there."

Sen. John Kerry called for Rumsfeld to be fired, following a speech in which the defense secretary said that "To be responsible ... one needs to stop defining success in Iraq as the absence of terrorist attacks."

"Nowhere in Bush's Plan for Victory speech was there mention of undermining the efforts by American troops to win the hearts and minds of Iraqis by using phony news and paycheck journalism," writes a Kansas City Star columnist. "Naturally the White House is shocked — shocked!" As was Christopher Hitchens.

Amid threats of a challenge in Connecticut and resurfacing rumors of cabinet courtship, the WSWS wonders, 'What is troubling Joe Lieberman?'

As a 'Texas Judge Lets Stand 2 of 3 Charges' against Rep. Tom DeLay, a new USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll of his home district finds DeLay losing to an unnamed Democrat. DeLay was seen rushing away from photographers outside a fundraiser attended by the 'Velcro veep.'

After the former 9/11 Commission handed out low grades in a final report card on the nation's efforts to prevent future terrorist attacks, 9/11 widow Kristen Breitweiser declared the panel's findings to be no surprise.

As Iran announces 'plans to build two more reactors,' Raw Story illustrates how a Jerusalem Post article trumpeted by the Drudge Report, "grossly sensationalizes" IAEA head Mohamed El-Baradei's comments about Iran's nuclear capabilities.

A University of Kansas professor says he suffered a roadside beating by two men, who made reference to his canceled course "describing intelligent design as mythology."

"Even the most godless among us has to tremble before the biblical scale of the past twelve months' headlines," writes Matt Taibbi, "the tsunami that swallowed south Asia ... Katrina (also known as America Not Immune) and now this."


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