27 December 2005

Wampum: Merry Fristmas!

While Democrats and Progressives were asleep in their beds, and visions of impeachments and ANWAR-PatriotAct-slapdowns adanced in their heads, Majority Leader Bill "Ebenezer Scrooge" Frist was gleefully filling his eggnog with brandy and toasting the caribou in Alaska and NSA spooks - where ever they might be.

It took him five long years to finally pay off that chit to the BigPharma ghouls to whom he'd sold his soul to win his seat. He'd tried the front door (Thimerosal liability reform), backdoor (2002 Homeland Security Act), side-door (Smallpox and Anthrax Vaccine bills), even the chimney (no liability for FDA-approved drugs), but he just couldn't get that billion-dollar payback past those Democrats, and their RINO allies. He'd tried himself, used the exiting House Majority Leader, and that New Hampshire Yankee, Gregg. Weren't those crusty New Englanders considered the trustworthy and sane Republicans these days?


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