28 January 2006

John Gibson Frames Newshounds: Filibustering Democrats As Self Destructive Losers

John Gibson was determined to make the Democrats planning to filibuster Alito look like losers. He even used his My Word segment to accuse progressive blogs, naming Buzzflash and Daily Kos, of pressuring Kerry to keep his word about a filibuster.Three segments were devoted to Gibson's wail that the move was "self destructive" for the Democratic Party. 1/27/06

During Gibsons My Word Segment he went after Buzzflash and Daily Kos calling them "deep, deep blue blogs" who have been "screeching for Kerry to keep his promise even if it's stupid, even if it is destined to fail." Of course he tried to make Buzzflash and Daily Kos readers seem like extremists describing them as "so lib they're out where the buses don't run."


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