23 February 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 02/23/06

Despite reports of "more than 130 deaths, mostly of Sunnis," in Iraq, 'U.S. Downplays Civil War Threat' -- although one military spokesman admits that "some drive-by shootings against mosques have been reported ..."

A Sunni writer expresses the fear that "This may be the start of when it all goes really wrong," and Baghdad Burning's Riverbend reports that "Things are not good in Baghdad."

Controversy over 'Dubai's Port of No Return' is said to be undermining Bush's "one remaining political asset," and The Nation's John Nichols argues that 'Corporate Control of Ports Is the Problem.'

Sen. Orrin Hatch's claim that "Nobody with brains" denies that Saddam was "supporting" al-Qaeda, leads to an airing of the issue in Utah. GlobalSecurity.org's John Pike is quoted as saying, "I guess I don't have a brain, then," and it's noted that Paul Pillar called it a "manufactured issue." And, there's 'The "memogate" lie that will not die.'


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