09 March 2006

Americablog: Are the NYT and Adam Nagourney running a hit piece on liberal blogs?

by John in DC - 3/09/2006 10:11:00 AM

Sounds like it from what we're hearing.

You'll recall that Adam has run a slew of pieces pointing out how the Democratic party is a mess, and our sources tell us that he's now working on a similar piece about the blogs, and his intent is to paint us as crazy, lefty, wingnuts.

Now, first off, Nagourney has a bit of a conflict I hope he plans to disclose in any such article. He's been the target of a parody blog for over a year now - it's called Ad Nags and can be found here. One wonders whether the constant funny, but pointed, barbs from that joke site have in any way biased Nagourney. We would hope not.


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