13 March 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 03/13/06

Citing "the second significant error of the government affecting the constitutional rights of this defendant," the judge in the trial of Zacarias Moussaoui said that "I do not want to act precipitously," but it is "very difficult for this case to go forward."

With 'No let up in Iraqi bloodshed,' after 'A massacre in Moqtada's back yard,' Knight Ridder reports that officials have confirmed that 'Death squads operated from inside Iraqi government.'

After the Knight Ridder board accepted a $4.5 billion offer from McClatchy Co., the new owner will sell twelve Knight Ridder papers, reports Editor & Publisher, including the two Philadelphia papers and the San Jose Mercury News.

Wendy Orent calculates 'The price of cheap chicken,' while Health and Human Services head Michael Leavitt advises Americans to prepare themselves for a bird flu epidemic by "storing canned tuna and powdered milk under their beds."

Time reprises correspondent's account of being cross-examined by Slobodan Milosevic, about whom one observer writes, "the truth ... was always a commodity to be manipulated in the single-minded pursuit of power," and, "Having smashed all the furniture [he] blamed everyone else for no longer wanting to sit down with him."

As 'Italy's Bizarre Election Campaign' unfolds, watch the prime minister storm off a state TV show, after reportedly calling the interviewer an example of someone "who has prejudices and is on the left." Plus: 'Morales' present for Rice seems laced with message.'

Following Keith Olbermann's interview -- video and text -- with "Mick" from Calling All Wingnuts, who spoke of being contacted by "Tony ... from Fox News security," Olbermann was the one fielding questions, from C-SPAN's Brian Lamb.


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