28 April 2006

Billmon: Nine Fingers

More on Whoregate from the San Diego Union Tribune:
As [the paper] reported in December, the suites – first at the Watergate Hotel and then at the Westin Grand Hotel – had several bedrooms where lawmakers and other guests could relax.

You can almost see the air quotes around that "relax."

The Union Trib also has more (much) on the CIA angle. It doesn't bring Goss into the picture -- at least not yet -- but it gets pretty close:

People who were present at the games said one of the regular players was Kyle Dustin “Dusty” Foggo, who has been Wilkes' best friend since the two attended junior high school in Chula Vista in the late 1960s. In October, Foggo was named the CIA's executive director -- the agency's third-highest position.

It was Porter, of course, who did the naming -- plucking Foggo from deep within the bowels (there's that metaphor again) of the agency's procurement bureaucracy and dragging him up to the director's office.


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