20 April 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 04/20/06

With the 'Media on Speed' during 'A Crisis Almost Without Equal,' Robert Parry charges the Washington Post's editorial page with committing "an especially grave offense" in trying "to protect George W. Bush from public outrage over his Iraq War deceptions."

FAIR reviews the Post's response to its critics, and the difference between a leak and a plant, and Editor & Publisher confirms that Valerie Plame will be attending the White House correspondents dinner, where "the president will have to deliver ... jokes."

A Spanish-language GOP ad accuses Democrats of voting to "treat millions of hardworking immigrants as felons," as the Minutemen send an ultimatum to Bush because "You can't get through to the president any other way."

In New Orleans' mayoral election, business interests are said to have "picked both the incumbent and the two main challengers," and "Jim Crow is on the ballot ... only this time, no one is watching."

After $500,000 in cash was seized from a truck "driven by two Houston men who tried to enter a nuclear power plant" in Pennsylvania, Rigorous Intuition's Jeff Wells feels that "something just had its cover blown."

The Wall Street Journal profiles the nation's first Civil Liberties Protection Officer, said to have "the simplest job in government," while a VA nurse accused of sedition receives an apology.


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