10 May 2006

Bush Nominates Another Crony and Political Hack to the Court - Kavanaugh Was Investigator for Ken Starr

President Bush and Republicans are hoping to rally their increasingly disengaged base around the troubled nomination to the judiciary of Brett Kavanaugh, a White House staffer who was heavily involved in the Clinton wars as a staffer for prosecutor Ken Starr — and whose rating by the American Bar Association (ABA) was recently downgraded due to his lack of experience, partly because he has never tried a case that reached a verdict.

Kavanaugh is married to the former Ashley Estes, who was a personal secretary to President Bush, and who serves on the search team for the president’s library in Texas, along with another Bush secretary, Harriet Miers, whose nomination to the Supreme Court was rescinded by President Bush in a storm of criticism from rightwingers last year.


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