12 May 2006

Digby: If You Build it, They Will Use It

As Bush continues to push his party over the cliff with this nomination of Michael Hayden, I'd like to look once again at the Hayden quote I posted over the week-end:
I'm disappointed I guess that perhaps the default response for some is to assume the worst. I'm trying to communicate to you that the people who are doing this, okay, go shopping in Glen Burnie and their kids play soccer in Laurel, and they know the law. They know American privacy better than the average American, and they're dedicated to it. So I guess the message I'd ask you to take back to your communities is the same one I take back to mine. This is focused. It's targeted. It's very carefully done. You shouldn't worry.
This same man, also quoted in that post, became indignant when asked if the NSA was spying on Bush's political enemies. He seems to truly believe that the nation must trust him and all the other people in the government to do the right thing because they are good people. This is the same attitude we see coming from George W. Bush.


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