29 June 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 06/29/06

Although 84 of 100 terrorism and national security experts say 'U.S. losing war on terror,' and "the Iraq war is the biggest reason why," a conservative media watchdog argues that "a reasonable person would look at this evidence" and see "great strides."

A self-proclaimed "non-partisan organization" called Vets for Freedom has been exposed as "a pro-war group with ... ties to the Bush public relations team," but the big three U.S. newspapers are said to "have all run op-eds from these guys, without any reporting on who they actually are."

In 'The Coming Ballot Meltdown,' warns The Nation's Andrew Gumbel, wherever voters "don't have reason to fear out-and-out political interference in the electoral vote, they can expect incompetence and chaos." Plus: 'Where's the Plan, Democrats?'

Stan Cox explores the vital importance of air conditioning to the rise of George W. Bush, who is said to be 'Throwing the rhetorical furniture into the fire.'

As FEMA officials complain that "private property rights" prevent the removal of enough Katrina debris "to stack 2 miles high onto a football field," it's noted that "Not a single dollar of federal housing repair or home reconstruction money has made it to New Orleans yet," although a familiar theme has arrived.


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