10 June 2006

Digby: They Call The Windbag Pariah

Steve Benen wonders if Ann Coulter has finally reached pariah status. I doubt it very seriously. She entertains the media and that is what they like above all. And I suspect she says many things with which they agree --- or , at least, find funny. She appeals to their puerile sense of humor.

This new controversy is just going to help her sell books. Conservatives love it when the alleged liberal media go after one of their flamethrowers. It validates everything they believe in. Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if Brian Williams' little scold the other night wasn't designed for that very purpose. Has anyone done any research on what interests they might have in common? I'm serious. This "controversy" is simply not believable in light of the kind of things this shrieking harpy has been saying for years.


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