28 July 2006

Corporate Media Censors MoveOn

By Joel Bleifuss, In These Times. Posted July 27, 2006.

In a new series of TV ads, MoveOn exposes GOP lawmakers' fealty to the corporations that fund their campaigns. Now if only the stations would run them.

Perhaps you have thought, "If the voters knew how venal a GOP member of Congress was, they could never get re-elected."

MoveOn is testing that proposition with a public service ad campaign that targets four Republican candidates whose votes in Congress have put special interest profits before the public good.

"Caught red-handed" is the moniker for a series of MoveOn TV ads that expose the lawmakers' fealty to the corporations that fund their campaigns. MoveOn PAC Director Eli Pariser puts it this way: "The most visible and insidious form of corruption is the form that is also legal, and that is the money politicians take from big companies and the votes that they give in return to help those companies out."


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