22 July 2006

Daily Kos: With a Holy Land Like This World Has, Who Needs Hell?

by Rusty1776
Thu Jul 20, 2006 at 10:10:00 PM PDT

Fires everywhere? Check. Misery? Check. Screams of agony? Check. Hatred reigns supreme? Check. No hope for salvation? Check.

Put your Bibles and Qu'rans and Torahs away, Christians and Muslims and Jews, what you need to learn about life and death and judgment is all around you. The scribbling of self-appointed prophets is not going to save you from the madness of your leaders. Going to a church, mosque, or synagogue to pray is not going to save you from their lunacy. Your own ignorance, apathy, and selfishness have elevated them to power, and now you are reaping what you have sown.

I have news for you, Hell is not awaiting the wicked at the hour of their death, it's taking a fiery road trip through that Holy Land you all keep talking about. Hell is here on earth, raging among us, and you are the ones who invited it to drop in and say hello. Your intolerance and self-righteousness have beckoned it, and it's leaving its flaming footprints all over that sacred Holy Land soil you say you cherish so much.


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