08 August 2006

Cursor's Media Patrol - 08/08/06

An AP analysis of why 'Half of U.S. Still Believes Iraq Had WMD,' cites a previous Fox News headline: 'Are Saddam Hussein's WMDs Now In Hezbollah's Hands?'

U.S. diplomacy is said to reveal "a strikingly weak hand" in the Middle East, with U.S. officials seen as having "burnt their bridges. It started with Iraq..." -- where the country's premier apologized for a U.S. raid on Sadr City, during a 'Summer of Goodbyes.'

"Democracy Now!" interviews the author of 'The war the world ignores,' which quotes a human rights campaigner as saying that "when the world looks at Congo it sees a pile of riches with some black people inconveniently sitting on top of them."

Amid reports of election glitches, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney is fighting for her political life in a Georgia runoff characterized as "a Middle East proxy fight."

An excerpt from a new book on Katrina is said to focus on "a new character who has escaped much public scrutiny," but who is said to have "left an indelible mark."

According to an official from the National Climatic Data Center, the weather trend experienced over the past seven months "cannot be explained without the influence of greenhouse gases."

As 'Oil prices hit record on Alaska outage,' BP executives are said to "have known about these problems for a long time and promised for many years to fix them, and they haven't done so."


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