20 August 2006

Daily Kos: Embracing Our Inner Jackass

by georgia10
Sun Aug 20, 2006 at 04:21:35 AM PDT

Symbols are everything in politics. Whether it's the American flag or a yellow ribbon or a peace symbol, a simple image can connote so much. I've always wondered how and why the donkey came to symbolize our party. I decided to satisfy my curiosity and finally figure out the answer. Courtesy of the Democratic Party, here's some brief history on how the donkey became associated with our party:

When Andrew Jackson ran for president in 1828, his opponents tried to label him a "jackass" for his populist views and his slogan, "Let the people rule." Jackson, however, picked up on their name calling and turned it to his own advantage by using the donkey on his campaign posters. During his presidency, the donkey was used to represent Jackson's stubbornness when he vetoed re-chartering the National Bank.
Beyond Jackson's brilliant use of the symbol, it was this political cartoon by Thomas Nast in 1874 that seemed to solidify the donkey vs. elephant symbolism


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