12 August 2006

Don't Let Hillary's Dems Cash In on Iraq

A bit over the top, but that is part of Taibbi's 'charm'...--Dictynna

By Matt Taibbi, RollingStone.com. Posted August 10, 2006.

Hillary Clinton's carefully scripted display of canned anger at Donald Rumsfeld was for his screwing up the 'execution' of the Iraq war, not because he thought invading Iraq was a good idea.

"Never has so much military and economic and diplomatic power been used so ineffectively … I say the time has come for the American people to turn to new leadership not tied to the mistakes and policies of the past." -- Richard Nixon, 1968

"We hear a lot of happy talk and rosy scenarios, but because of the administration's strategic blunders -- and frankly the record of incompetence in executing -- you are presiding over a failed policy." --Hillary Clinton, addressing Donald Rumsfeld, August 2006

Hillary Clinton has taken an enormous amount of abuse over the years from some very bad people, but her basic problem is that she's deserved all of it.

It never should have happened this way. Hillary's real destiny was to destroy American progressivism forever, taking the Democratic Party down with her, but an unlikely alliance of unwitting male conspirators screwed things up along the way by making her into the first great martyr of the mass-media age.


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