14 September 2006

Digby: Cha-cha-cha

I don't know what it means, but every time I play Tucker Carlson's "Dancing With The Stars" Youtube, it crashes my browser at the end. Not that it matters because I'm unable to see through the tears of laughter anyway.

If you dare, take a look. It is truly hilarious.

Update: On the other hand, this snotty little bitch isn't so funny when he's not making a fool of himself on the dance floor. Get a load of this lovely little exchange:
CARLSON: Now clearly, we all agree that there is -- there are things to be afraid of. We disagree about what they may be. Here's one I think we can all agree is, frankly, a terrifying prospect. It comes from our old pal Pat Buchanan [MSNBC political analyst and former presidential candidate]. He says this about Al Gore. He proclaims that if the former vice president ran for the Democratic nomination right now, Pat Buchanan predicts, he would beat Hillary Clinton to win the nomination. Now whatever you think of Pat's politics, he's a pretty, I think, smart prognosticator. The idea of Al Gore, I think both of you -- Mark, we'll start with you -- you agree even the Democrats don't want that.


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