02 September 2006

Digby: "I'm Nothing Like Her, Nothing!"

I was perusing the Limbaugh web site (subs. only) for some specific Lieberman info and I was quite surprised at the defensiveness we netkooks seem to engender in the old gasbag. He haaates being being compared to us more than anything:
LIMBAUGH: Isn't it interesting, by the way, these people are just flat out loonies; they are insane kooks, these left wing blog types, yet they are treated with great reverence and great respect and fear in the Drive-By Media and Democratic Party circles -- and yet let Pat Buchanan run for president; let his supporters, you know, do their number, and the whole focus is on how insane Buchanan supporters were, how wacko, how dangerous and so forth they are. These people are being pumped up as though they are actual factors. They can't sell books; they don't generate much of anything other than a bunch of hot air amongst themselves. Because they're liberals and because they hate Bush, the Drive-By Media loves them. So her question again to John Harwood. "Well, we know Lamont's campaign in many ways has been driven by the netroots, many bloggers very supportive of him. What about that?"


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