22 September 2006

Falwell builds his legacy

Fifty years behind the pulpit and 30 years in the political spotlight has not slowed the Reverend Jerry Falwell

After 50 years behind the pulpit at the Thomas Road Baptist Church, in Lynchburg, Virginia, and nearly 30 years in the political spotlight, the Rev. Jerry Falwell has a lot to be proud of. While he has never achieved the revered status of Rev. Billy Graham, and his books have not sold the millions of copies that Tim LaHaye's "Left Behind" series of apocalyptic novels or megachurch Pastor Rick Warren's "The Purpose Driven Life," have, Falwell has been a major player in the changing political landscape over the past three decades. Now, though still a potent political figure, he has set about to solidify a permanent monument to his life's work; building a multi-million dollar endowment for his thoroughly Christian Liberty University.


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