25 September 2006

Glenn Greenwald: Osama bin Laden died again - Vote Republican

The Terrorism Outrage of the Day for Bush followers, led by Matt Drudge, is that a 9/11 memorial in Arizona contains sentiments they consider "political" -- such as "Feeling of invincibility lost" and "You don’t win battles of terrorism with more battles.” Apparently, this is absolutely intolerable because nothing -- absolutely nothing -- is more immoral or outrageous than "politicizing" the 9/11 attacks.

Those, of course, are the same attacks which have so usefully served as the central prop for three consecutive Republican campaigns, as well as for most of the President's most controversial policies, such as his recent announcement that he would transfer certain terrorist suspects from our secret Eastern European gulags to Guantanamo, after which he demanded that Congress enact legislation authorizing him to use torture and creating the military commissions he wanted. That speech took place, as the President eagerly pointed out in the very first sentence out of his mouth, in the presence of "families who lost loved ones in the terrorist attacks on our nation."


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